Beauty German Shepherd female of approximately 2 to 3 years of age. Beauty is looking for a home as a only dog and cannot live with cats. Update from foster home: Beauty has been an absolute joy to foster. She has oodles of personality and has clearly had a good basic training. When we got home she had a thorough sniff of all the nooks and crannies in the house and garden. (I had checked any possible escape routes.) She was so well behaved it was like she had come home. Everything from feeding time, asking to go out and walking was easy with Beauty, although she pulls a little on the lead. By the time evening came and we sat down to watch telly, Beauty was lying with her head resting on my feet and snoozing contentedly. She is such a loving and friendly dog. She made sure everyone was there and always checked they were okay when they returned to the room. Herding nature!

At bedtime she laid by the kitchen door (I left the radio on very quietly for her) and she gave me a huge welcome (hugs and licks) in the morning to be let out. I have to confess, I was quite worried she might have investigated the furniture, books, cables or carpet with her teeth or left a gift or two in the room, but she had just slept and behaved herself perfectly She was so good, she didn’t even make a noise until the next day when she answered next door’s spaniel who heard the Rag and Bone man! Good bark to scare off unwanted visitors.
Update from our volunteers: Beauty is a stunning looking girl and typical Shep when out walking Used a flexi and she constantly checks back with you and will wait if you lag behind . She loves sticks but will happily try to carry a very large stone if allowed…not good for those teeth. She can be dominant with other dogs but on a walk she is more interested in you and having fun. She loves to swim and imagine if you have a stick would happily retrieve it for you over and over

Beauty – 2-3 year old female German Shepherd Dog

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