My name is Harry. I came into this rescue with my best friend Kurt, he too is a Kelpie. I bet your wondering what a Kelpie is right? Well, we are Australian Cattle Dogs. Basically the down under version of Collie. We originally came from Wales, where we had lived most our lives with Farmer Pat. Many days spent rounding up that cattle, driving the flock. Oh the good old days…
It all seemed to be going well, until one day, approximately 3 years ago I managed to dislocate my shoulder. Heavens that was painful. I howled like a Wolf under a full moon. Farmer Pat being the old fashioned type, tried to pop my shoulder back into place, but it never worked. I was never taken to one of those Vet places, and my bones set into place.

After that, things were never really the same. Kurt was the shy one, I always looked out for him. Even with my disability. When I started to slow down, Farmer Pat tried to promote Kurt to my position, but he didn’t have my drive.
He was like my little shadow. He ever so loyal, especially to me. If I didn’t work, he wouldn’t either. And I think that’s why Farmer Pat let us go. Together, we would have been no good working alone.
We ended up in boarding kennels, to be assessed. The lady who met us, was ever so lovely. She had a heart of gold. Transport was arranged for us to travel from Wales to Cambridgeshire. It was a long journey, we were a little unsure, but It didn’t phase us as we are used to traveling on quad bikes.
As we arrived at our destination, we were greeted by about 20 Chickens, Ducks, Cats, Horses 15 dogs and young children. The rescue staff were just amazed at our temperament. Probably because we didn’t respond. We are very well socialized, so it was no surprise to meet other fury friends. They have a really cute baby who oogles at me, and I rest my head on his lap, and lick him.
I wish he’d adopt me, but I think he’s a little too young.
After we settled in, it was time to meet our new prospective owners. Humans can be so shallow at times, I think my customized walk had put them off. There goes Kurt wagging his little tail, taking all the glory and fuss. I was pushed to the back, and kindly ignored. I heard them talking about Kurt, and saying that they were interested in adopting him. Hopefully they will see that we are a couple, and take us both. But, unfortunately, they didn’t. Kurt went onto a new home a few days later. I cried and pined for that boy, but it was no use.
Now I’m still here along with the other 15 dogs, living in a warm house, with cats that give me the evil eyes, chickens that keep laying eggs. Children who are fond of me, and horses that ook down their noses at me. I just wish somebody would find a place in their heart, to share it with me.
I’m great with sharing toys, food, water, affection, cuddles and my time. I could be very loyal if you let me. I’m good on the lead, off the lead, I’m clean in the house, although I had a small piddle on the first night, but that was stress. I don’t bark as I have no need to. I ask permission to enter the house, as that’s what I’ve been taught.
Yes I walk with a limp, and poddle about, but that hasn’t stopped me getting around. I don’t require alot of exercise, a simple walk would suit me fine.
I’m not ancient, just older than Kurt. I’m 5 years old, so these humans tell me. Don’t worry, I’m not hinting for a present, just added reference to my age.
Indeed I love children and other animals, but I’d be happier with an older couple perhaps? Somebody that doesn’t expect me to do too much. I like the simple things in life. Food? I’ll eat what you lay before me, and I won’t bite your hand in the process. I can travel In a crate, and will sneak onto the sofa if I can get away with it.
So, that’s me…
If I’ve touched your heart, please get in touch with the rescue and adopt me into your life.

Harry – 5 year old male Australian Kelpie

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