Now that the colder months are upon us, exercising our dogs enough can become a bit of a challenge. Even the most dedicated of dog owners can find it challenging to exercise with their dogs in the cold, rain and snow.
For busy, high drive dogs, this can become a major problem since days can pass before they really get a work out and an under exercised dog can quickly become a frustrated dog.
The old adage really is true; a tired dog is a good dog! Anyone with an active dog can benefit by getting their dog a backpack. A doggy backpack will instantly kick the exercise exertion scale up a notch so even on a shorter walk, your dog will get more tired. Dogs also seem to really enjoy carrying a backpack and dogs that need a job, thrive with one on. The benefits of backpacks for dogs are: Your dog will get more out of exercise while wearing a backpack. Anytime you need your dog to expend some extra energy in a shorter amount of time, simply put the backpack on your dog. You can easily add some extra weight to the dogs pack by placing soup cans, water bottles, or sand weights and more for large dogs.

  1. Dogs that wear backpacks tend to be more on point and pull less since they are distracted by their job making walks more pleasurable as well as tiring.

  1. You can practice training commands with your dog while he’s wearing his backpack. Watch and be amazing at how much more focused and proud the dog is while wearing his pack.

  1. Your dog can carry his own water bottle, poop scoop supplies, treats, etc. on trips, hikes, day trips, or walks so you don’t have to cart so much around. While it may be tempting to let your dog carry some of your stuff too, it’s probably not a good idea in case you get separated.

  1. If you purchase a backpack with reflectors, it will make your dog easier to see on winter evenings when it gets dark earlier. Couple that with a reflective leash and collar to get more light reflecting safety out of them.

  1. A backpack will expend more mental energy as it provides your dog with a job. By using more mental energy, rising to the challenge, and carrying it out gives dogs a sense of pride and gets more mileage out of their exercise.

  1. Dog backpacks are durable and relatively affordable form of exercise for dogs. Look for packs made of durable materials that sit high on the shoulders rather than those that distribute all the weight on the spine to avoid injuries and make your dog the most comfortable.
Training your dog to use a backpack is easy.  Simply purchase the right sized pack and fit it properly on your dog.  Read the manufacturers guidelines and look for a pack that distributes some of the weight on your dog’s shoulders.
Allow your dog to wear the pack around the house and outside in the yard to get used to it. Most dogs have no problem wearing a backpack.
After your dog is used to the pack, take your first short stroll. You will most likely be amazed at how easily and quickly your dog adapts and loves walking in his pack.
Later when you add weight to the pack, don’t exceed 10% -20% of your dog’s weight and take care if he has any health conditions or joint problems. On hot days, a couple of chilled water bottles can help keep your dog cool.
When weighting the pack, always distribute the weight evenly on both side of the pack.
When walking, remember that your dog will not realize his new width so use caution he does not get caught in brush, trees, etc. on your walks.


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