Many people think of monks wrapped in robes when they hear “meditation,” but really meditation can be any kind of concentration and relaxation. There are actually a lot of benefits for you and your dog if you meditate and relax together, or if you help your dog relax and meditate. There are some variations of relaxation/meditation that provide some extraordinary health benefits and some owners are allowing their dogs to participate in meditative activities without even knowing it.

One very popular meditative activity is walking. That’s right. Just plain ole walking on a leash. It may not seem very meditative, but imagine all the times you’ve gotten lost in your thoughts while walking or jogging through the forest, down a road, or even around your block. Just like you allow your mind to wander while you walk, so does your dog. Your dog may focus in on the smells around it. Maybe he/she is hearing new things for the first time. These experiences allow your dog to take in the new and to expand their minds. Walking becomes just as mentally healthy and helpful as it does physical.

Another activity that may allow relaxation and meditative feelings is grooming. While some dogs may not appreciate being groomed, or may not like aspects of being groomed, many dogs actually enjoy being bathed, brushed, and even having a pedicure. Just as you relax when someone else is taking care of you, so will your dog if you take extra care in grooming it. Keep in mind your dog’s specific grooming needs. My Weimaraner mix has super sleek hair, so she doesn’t need brushing very often, but because her nails grow so quickly, she has them clipped pretty often. In contrast, German Shepherds need to be brushed often, sometimes even daily depending on the specific dog. No matter what specific grooming your dog may need or enjoy, you can bet that the experience will be relaxing and will bring you and your dog closer when done correctly.

Offer your dog a massage. Many people don’t realize that their dog aches and has sore muscles after a long day of drinking out of the toilet, just like their owners after a long day of work. While dogs that have special needs should be taken to a professional for massages, dog owners have a plethora of sources available to them, especially their veterinarian. Veterinarians should be able to show you where to press, and more importantly, where not to press. Once you have the technique down, massaging your dog’s sore muscles and spending quality time will only serve to bring you closer while allowing your dog to rest and meditate.


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